Tactical Trauma Kit #3


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Our Tactical Trauma Kit #3 is an all in one backpack with a spacious compartments for easy access to the contents. This backpack is designed and used by professionals, with cushioned shoulder straps to make the carrying load more comfortable to wear. Complete with the essentials but room for you to customize and make your own perfect med kit.

The Tactical Trauma Kit #3. The first aid supplies in the full kit offers you life saving tools but having the tools is only have the solution. Understanding the impact of trauma wounds and how to use the kit is just as important. Do your research and always keep learning.

Affordability and quality is what we have built our family-owned business off of.  Elite First Aid believes first aid kit’s shouldn’t cost a fortune to save a life. This is why we pride ourselves in our purchasing department on finding the best prices for quality products so we can pass that saving to our customers.

Item Quantity  Item Quantity 
Blood Pressure Kit 1 Cervical Collar 1
Stethoscope 1 LED Pen Light 1
Sutures 2 First Aid Guide 1
Pair BLK Nitrile Gloves 8 5″x9″ Abdominal Pads 10
Pain Relievers 20 Safety Pins 6
Emergency Blankets-Silver/OD 2 Hand Sanitizer 2oz. 1
Calagel 1.77g 2 Hand Soap 1
Sting & Bite Wipes 6 Universal/Sam Splint 1
6″ Elastic Bandage 1 4″x4″ Sterile Gauze 5
1″ Tape 2 BleedStop Bandages 2
Eye Pad 5 Triangular Bandage 2
Bandage Strips 1″x3″ 16 Butterfly Closure Strips 5
Bandage Strips 2″x4″ 5 Knuckle Bandages 10
Instant Ice Packs 2 EMT Shears 1
SS Hemostats 2 Tweezers 1
Scalpel Handle #3 1 Scalpel Blades 2
Tongue Depressors 5 CPR Face Shield 1
BZK Antiseptic Wipes 45 Ammonia Inhalants 5
Oral Airways 2 Multi Trauma Dressings 3
Eye/Skin Wash 1 Triple Antibiotics 10
Burn Gel 5 Latex Tourniquet 1

Additional information

Weight 15 lbs

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