This class is a 4-day session that will meet daily from 9AM to 5PM the weekend of 14th-17th of March |
The Active Shooter Awareness and Reaction course will provide the student the ability to better handle the ever changing and dynamic scenario of a mass killing or active shooter. This course is designed for the student to be provided the history of past active shooters incidents, understanding basic medic applications of how to stop the bleeding and deal with shock for various wounds, various use of force scenarios, team building exercises, single man and team room clearing techniques, and fight for life scenarios that will push the student beyond comfort level. This course will be very physically demanding at times and will require basic knowledge of firearms due to the many live fire exercises that will be taught throughout the course. After the course is completed we expect the students to walk away with a confident level of understanding of how to better prepare themselves and their loved for the next active shooter incident. |