Hide Your Money WHERE… in Silver

silver eagle

ray-gano-medRight now the price of gold is sitting at $1231.10 an ounce.

Checking out the price of silver and we see it is sitting at $15.43 an ounce.

That means that the price of gold is currently approximately 79 times higher than the price of silver.

In other words, the “Gold to Silver Ratio” is 79 – 1. It takes almost 80 ounces of silver to buy one ounce of gold.  Well 79.78 to be exact.

Folks this is insanely high.

Historically the Gold to Silver (g2s ratio) ratio has been about 15 to one. You can date this all the way back to early Greece in 650BC. So there is a history there that you can track.

What people do not know is that gold and silver are God’s ordained money. They will not rust like some folks have stated. If they are to rust like some would say, it would make God out to be a liar and we know that God is incapable of lying.

In fact, for those who do not know God’s economic system He tells us to invest in 5 things…

  • Land
  • Livestock
  • Gold
  • Silver
  • Family

Want a good example, look at Abraham. He was a very rich man in his day. I can not recall if scripture associates gold and silver to his name, but he does have wealth in land and in livestock.

To this day all those things that are part of God’s economy always prevail.

In the months and years to come, I do believe that gold and silver will rise in price.

But I believe that the price of silver will go up much, much faster than gold and as they skyrocket, we will see the G2S Ratio shrink and possibly see a 15 – 1 G2S Ratio again.

I will say this that if we do see a 15-1 G2S Ratio, things are going to be pretty bad. This is why it is important to keep your eye on that G2S Ratio.

How do you figure that out?

Take the price of gold and divide it by the price of silver. The number given is the G2S Ratio.
So  $1231.10 divided by $15.43 = $79.786

So roughly almost 80-1 is the current G2S Ratio.

So why is this important?

One of the oldest rules – “Gold is horded – Silver is consumed.”

Here is a great article by Jeff Neilson that I recommend taking the time to read.

Silver Fundamentals: The Numbers Don’t Lie – Jeff Nielson

Silver is mined at an 11:1 ratio to gold. This is raw data. This becomes significant when we look more raw data numbers: the natural occurrence of these two metals in the Earth’s crust. Silver is approximately 17 times as plentiful as gold. Therefore, all things being equal, we should expect silver to be mined at a near-identical ratio of 17:1.

In addition to being a more brilliant metal than gold, silver is incredibly useful. Over the past quarter century, more silver-based patents have been created than with any other metal on the planet. But not only does silver have unparalleled versatility, it is an extremely potent metal, meaning that in many of its commercial applications it is used in only trace amounts.

Why is this of significance? Because in such tiny quantities it is economically impractical to ever recycle any of this silver, at prices anywhere near the (absurd) levels of recent decades. Thus this silver is being consumed in tiny amounts, but in billions and billions of consumer products, over a span of decades.

Unlike gold, our stockpiles of silver are disappearing. As previously mentioned, for at least the last thirty years, the only way that our strong demand for silver could be satisfied has been through consuming portions of these stockpiles.


Gold is horded – Silver is consumed

Over the past ten years we have seen approximately one billion ounces of silver has been consumed in the products we use. There is a HUGE demand due to this consumption alone.
So this fact alone shows us that that demand for silver is very very high, but  at less than 16 dollars an ounce right now, silver is seriously undervalued.

What do the Wall Street experts tell us?

Buy low…Sell high.

That is why I am telling folks that now is a good time to stock up on the silver.

Put a personal buying plan in place and allocate $20 a week and purchase just one once. If you come into some extra cash, why not purchase a few more ounces.

Using this “baby step” method you will be amazed at how much you are able to accumulate in a short amount of time.

Silver Eagle Sales To Jump 25% Due To Deteriorating Market Conditions

Silver Eagle sales will likely jump by 25% in the first quarter due to deteriorating market conditions.  During the first three months last year the U.S. Mint sold 12 million Silver Eagles.  Already, sales of Silver Eagles have reached 13 million.  There are two weeks remaining in March and the U.S. Mint will likely sell another two million.  This will put total Silver Eagle sales for the first quarter at 15 million….. the highest ever.

We have been seeing a gold “bull market” beginning to pick up.

A “bull market” means that things are getting ready to take off and that it will be like a “bull in a china shop.”

Here is a good article from CNN …

Gold is now in a bull market. The yellow metal has soared 20% so far this year.

It’s a stunning rally — all the more so because gold has continued to do well even as oil prices and the stock market have stabilized in recent weeks.

At the beginning of the year, it was easy to understand why gold was glittering.

Investors were extremely nervous about China and the global economy. Those were big reasons why oil and stocks fell.

What you need to remember is where gold goes, silver ALWAYS follows.

So, could we possibly see a silver price of $100 in the days and months ahead? I believe so. Especially with all the shenanigans taking place in the political arena.

Hillary and Berny are at each other’s throats. Hillary is doing everything she can to push off FBI investigations.

Will we see a Dem in office? I doubt it. Historical odds are also in this favor too. We normally have two “conservatives” presidents to one liberal.

We have also elected a very strong outspoken president in the first round and usually a more even handed one in the second round. Great example – just look at Reagan.

But this is another article for another time.

No matter what, with all that is going on, we could easily see $100 an ounce.

If we do see that, those who have heeded what I have said will make some nice money on their return.

Folks we are living at a very strange time where politics is very unstable. I know where I would like things to go, but what I like and what we get are two different things.

So we need to start thinking about hedging our wealth and the first thing we need to do is get some silver.

What To Do — Where To Buy

The first thing that you need to do is educate yourself. Sure you can trust what I am saying, but it is better that you understand the WHY’s of owning gold and silver.


This is one of the easiest books to read and with a lot of very down to earth advice. In fact this version that I have linked to has been updated and a lot more info has been provided. HEY.. it is around $11.00 for the paperback version. That is a drop in the bucket for a lifetime of education.

Get this book now. If anything you will enjoy the read. Michael is very down to earth and I love this book.

NOW, Where to BUY …

That is simple – Steve Quayle’s Renaissance Precious Metals

Folks, Steve is a fellow brother in the Lord. If you listen to Hagmann and Hagmann, you have heard him talk on a number of subjects. . He has over 34 years of experience helping our clients in the metals markets.
Steve’s Renaissance Precious Metals is your trusted source for buying gold, silver, platinum and palladium bullion and coins. I have known Steve for a number of years and both of us have been preaching this message on God’s Economy for years now.

Just look around, many economists and futurists are predicting a global collapse of the dollar, which would send gold, silver and other precious metals soaring in value.

This isn’t some chicken little mentality. It is not an “IF” it is a “WHEN” and just looking at the political environment today, it would be very prudent of you to start protecting your wealth.

Take the time to check out Steve’s website — https://www.sqmetals.com

If you got questions, then give them a call at (406) 586-4842 – do me a favor and tell them that Ray Gano recommended you to them.

Many know that something is on the horizon. I am not too keen on the current administration and to be honest, there are strong rumors of civil war if the current administration decided to do something hinky.

Scripture tells us…

Proverbs 27:12 A prudent man foreseeth the evil, and hideth himself; but the simple pass on, and are punished.

So, ask yourself. Which one are you prudent or simple?

Get that book and start educating yourself. Check out Steve Quayle’s website or give him a call, these are baby steps forward and it is often that first step that is the hardest one to take.