Healthwise The Perfect Pickler Mason Jar Kit


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The Perfect Pickler Mason Jar Kit

Making pickles is now much simpler with this home fermenting kit. The Perfect Pickler transforms vegetables into fresh pickles – rich in pro-biotic nutrients – charged with enzymes all on your countertop.VFK-PP Product Photo

Brine pickles are made at room temperature using raw vegetables and saltwater brine, which causes natural, spontaneous fermentation. Brine pickles are self-preserving and only need refrigeration after a few days of fermenting at comfortable room temperature. You will have pickles in 4 days and sauerkraut in 10 days. Store in the same jar. Once refrigerated, they will stay fresh for months.

  • No Special Culture Starter Required
  • Cultured Fermentation Enriches Vegetables
  • Simple to Understand, Easy to Use
  • Fits ½ Pint to 2 Quart Wide Mouth Jar
  • Quicker to Use Than Crock Fermentors
  • Unique Fermentation Air-Lock
  • Gasket Ring Activates Pickling action
  • Floating Brine Cup – Triple Action Simplicity

Kit includes a four-part lid assembly, ¼ pound premium sea salt, cook booklet with 25 recipes and a DVD to help guide you. It does not come with a jar.


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