Practical Prepper Book Scott Hunt


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The book Practical Prepper Book  by Scott Hunt addresses world we live in is an unstable one. From natural disasters of biblical proportions to concerns about the economic downturn and government shutdown, the hits just keep on coming. At the same time, the power grid is incredibly fragile. Our dependency on widely distributed long distance systems for power, medicine, and food makes our society susceptible to attack, whether by foreign or domestic enemies, or the weather. No matter the concern, the solutions are the same. Scott Hunt, the owner of Practical Preppers, and an experienced engineer, homesteader, and pastor, offers readers a complete and detailed guide to sustainable living. With this book, anyone can learn how to:

  • Secure a water source—even in an urban area4fcf9d660236ddb62c8456017158615a_M
  • Grow and preserve food
  • Set up an alternative energy supply
  • Maintain a comfortable shelter –including alternative cooking and sanitation methods during a long power outage
  • Bug out—what to include in your bug out bag and how to leave
  • Prepare for medical issues
  • Deal with security concerns

Preparing for disruption of services is a noble venture which gives peace of mind. This book will empower readers of all skill levels and resources to achieve an independent, sustainable lifestyle.



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