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Insta-fire is a great fire starter. It is a patented blend of volcanic rock, wood pellets, and paraffin wax. It is water resistant so it can be used in even the most severe weather conditons. Insta-fire is great for camping and in emergency situations. It’s an environmentally friendly way to get a fire started quickly and safely.

Uses for Insta-Fire

Starting any fire. How to build a fire using Insta-Fire

  • Lighting and drying wet wood.
  • Lighting a campfire
  • Lighting a bon fire

Lighting Charcoal Briquettes.

  • Use with a charcoal chimney
  • Using with a Charcoal Grill
  • Using an out door grill at a Park for instance

Using Insta-fire as a self standing fire.

  • 2 cups burn for ½ hour to an hour with periodic stirring.

Where Insta-fire can be Used

  • Camping, using insta-fire to light a campfire for the evenings and mornings
  • RV-ing, using Insta-fire to light a relaxing fire every morning &night, every RV needs a tub of insta-fire.
  • Backpacking, either for day use or a just in case you need a fire, insta-fire will be there to save you.
  • Snow shoeing, Don’t get stuck out in the snow with out means to start a fire, just in case.
  • Hunting, every hunter has a fire to tell stories around.
  • Hiking, another just in case no one can predict what will happen during a hiking trip.
  • Fishing, Insta-fire is just as important as a fishing pole.
  • ATV-ing more important than a helmet, insta-fire can get a fire going when your wheeler dies.
  • Snowmobiles Always have insta-fire in your snowmobile its not if but when on a snowmobile.
  • Cross/back country skiing, it is a must, don’t get stuck with out means for a fire.
  • Survival Kit, Every survival kit needs means to start a fire.
  • 72 hour kits, every 72 hour kit needs means to start a fire. 72 hours is 3 full days.
  • Boating, boaters love to get off in the sand and have a fire, Insta-fire will dry wet wood.
  • Scouting, Every Scout needs to have a fire.
  • Dutch Oven Cooking, Light your charcoal briquettes with Insta-fire.
  • Out-door Grilling, Insta-fire will get your charcoal briquettes going 75 in 7 minutes.
  • Out-door Fireplaces, Insta-fire will get the fireplace lit instantly and safely.
  • Backyard fire pits, one match one fire, light insta-fire and forget it.
  • Home Storage, get a 3 month food storage, but don’t forget a means to cook it, insta-fire has a 30 year shelf life, and will always be ready to cook a meal.
  • Motorcycles, whether your on a Harley or just out for a day ride take a pack with you just in case.
  • Emergency road side incase your car breaks down, have a tub in your trunk so you can have a fire.
  • Moto-cross, if your out riding the bikes have some insta-fire every where you go.

Preparing for disasters

Experts believe that if a major disaster occurs we will be without electricity or natural gas for 5 months or longer. Unfortunately disasters occur all over the world, sometimes when we least expect it. As we learned from Hurricane Katrina and many others, Government assistance is 96 + hours away. Fuel is an often overlooked item when preparing for a disaster but a critical one. Fuel is a must to boil water, cook your food, heat your shelter & boost morale. Listed below are several fuel options:

Fuel Storage Guidelines

In an emergency you will most likely need to boil water, cook your food and heat your shelter. Proper ventilation is always necessary. Listed below are several fuel alternatives.


One cup of Insta-Fire will boil 2 cups of water in 10 minutes. It will light 75 brickettes in 10 minutes. It will also provide enough fuel to cook even the toughest of meals. It can also be used as a stand alone fire with 2 cups burning for approximately 45 minutes with occasional stirring. It is available in a variety of storage containers including 1 gallon bucket, 5 gallon bucket and 55 gallon drums. Long term storage is estimated at approximately 30 years.


Raw, dry wood is a very good source of fuel especially when used in conjunction with Insta-Fire. Wood often becomes wet and unusable in a disaster. (Click here to see how to use Insta-Fire to light even wet wood). In rural areas wood may be readily available at a relatively low cost. Local permits may be necessary. In urban areas wood may not be as readily available and storage areas are limited. Be cautious when burning “used” wood that has a finish on it i.e. furniture & flooring, as it may contain deadly toxins.


Available in several sizes ranging from 1 pound to very large containers and is a good source for both heat and cooking. However, most containers have a “use by date” and therefore are not recommended for long term storage. An additional propane heater or stove is required. Storage restrictions generally apply due to its explosive nature. Check with your local fire department for storage restrictions in your area.

Kerosene/Heating oil

As with propane, a variety of storage tanks are used. Kerosene and Heating oil are good sources of heat for heating your shelter but generally not used for cooking. Also, as with other fuels i.e. propane and gasoline, storage restrictions may apply. Check with your local fire department for storage restrictions in your area.


Coal can be good source of heat and can be stored for a long period of time if kept dry. Generally messy to store, must be kept dry, proper ventilation is a must and can be hard to light unless used with Insta-Fire. Charcoal briquettes are a good source of fuel to cook but because it omits carbon monoxide it must be used outdoors. (Click here for a demonstration to light charcoal briquettes).


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