Pruning Simplified


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Most gardeners know that pruning — whether of raspberry bushes, house plants, roses, or apple trees — is one of the best things they can do for their plants. Done right, it can strengthen and rejuvenate a plant, encourage production of fruit, even increase the value of a home. A little knowledge of pruning, however, can be a dangerous thing, ending all too often in deformity or destruction of a beloved plant. Now a professional nurseryman Lewis Hill has updated his classic pruning guide, giving everyone from orchard owner to indoor plant enthusiast straightforward instructions on the art and craft of pruning trees, shrubs, bushes, hedges, vines, flowers, garden plants, house plants, and bonsai. His basic premise remains the same — pruning should be done for the right reason, in the right way, and at the right time. A little blue spruce, for example, might be pruned one way if it will serve as an outdoor Christmas tree by the front steps and another if it will grow in a row to screen out neighbors. Drawing on years of experience, Hill shows how to match method to purpose. The book features: * More than 100 clear, easy-to-follow illustrations * An overview of pruning methods * A chapter for each tree category — ornamental, fruit, shade, evergreen, and nut * A guide to pruning tools and equipment, including safety tips * Artistic pruning — topiary, espalier, cordons, and more


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