Civil Defense Ultimate DVD by KI4U


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  Civil Defense Ultimate DVD by KI4U  



– Note: (1) copy included in ‘The Package’ seen above.
– THE Civil Defense, Survival & Prep Ultimate Collection!
– Over 600 files, 20,000 pages, 300 PDF documents
– Civil Defense Books, Videos & Mp3’s
– Most comprehensive collection anywhere
– All new, expanded & updated August, 2009
In-Stock for Immediate Free Shipping!



This is the ultimate DVD production of nuclear preparedness material that covers ALL the bases, including a full all-hazards approach to everyday worries, natural and manmade disasters, terrorism, and family preparedness goals. In developing this DVD, we created an easy to use information package that can be put on any computer with a DVD drive, and used offline or online, to educate and inform individuals, families, neighbors, and entire communities.

This DVD is a true multimedia presentation, containing tens of thousands of pages of printable documents, including Civil Defense documents, Military Field Manuals, NBC Prep, Medical, and Survival topics. Also, a complete digital version of Cresson Kearney’s ‘Nuclear War Survival Skills’ and the FEMA ‘Radiation Safety In Shelters’ book and many others. Also, new AND classic nuclear prepping videos, mp3 audios of preparedness training and advice, as well as all the content from’s many websites. There are 684 individual files of information with over 3,800 megabytes of data in the DVD Library, collected and programmed by Rich Fleetwood, founder of

Without a doubt, here’s the most comprehensive collection of Civil Defense, Fallout Shelter and NBC Survival Prep documents anywhere on a single DVD! This is everything, and more, that you could ever hope to pull off the internet in an emergency for family survival instruction and guidance, ALL in one DVD! When time is short, and the internet might even be down, this is the one DVD you’ll be very glad to have then!



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